“The best Binson Echorec emulation ever made.” Boonar Tube Deluxe review by Guitar Player

Christopher Scapelliti, editor-in-chief of GuitarPlayer.com, did an in-depth review of our Boonar Tube Deluxe and rated it 5 stars!
“The best Binson Echorec emulation ever made. Dawner Prince tackles the king of all delays with its new Boonar Tube Deluxe. Repeat after us: It's a winner", he stated.
"Dawner Prince have tread in this territory before with their Boonar Multi-Head Drum Delay, a pedal that delivers a highly accurate emulation of the Binson. But the Boonar Tube Deluxe takes the concept much further in its design and control set. Among the changes are a revamped DSP engine for the magnetic drum emulation, a broader and well-chosen control set, a larger and easier to use control panel and — most significantly — the addition of a real subminiature military spec dual-triode vacuum tube in the preamp that feeds the delay circuit.
Before we dig into the features, it should be said that this is an impressive-looking pedal. It’s large — 7.28 by 4.72 by 2.12 inches — and weighs in at a hefty two pounds and six ounces. The glassy black control panel looks sleek and smart, and the sturdy metal chassis is painted in a vintage-looking metallic gold finish that recalls the Binson Echorec 2’s distinctive case. Vents on the front and side panels attest to the presence of a vacuum tube within, and the unit gets quite toasty after it’s been running for a while. Dawner Prince suggests letting the pedal warm up for at least half a minute to get the best results from the tube.
Add in the fact that the pedal is handmade in Croatia using NOS parts, and you have a boutique-quality effect pedal that delivers pro-level audio quality in a package designed for both stage and studio."