PULSE gets Premier Gear award

In the June issue of Premier Guitar Magazine, our Pulse Revolving Speaker Emulator earned the Premier Gear award!
In addition to the award, PG's Gear Editor Charles Saufley did a comprehensive review, noting: "At the right settings, you can almost see and feel the rise, dissipation, and passing of sound as bodies and particles (entirely without pharmaceutical assistance, I might add). It's a very visceral way to experience a guitar sound, and it comes pretty close to the thrill of parking your head right by a rotary speaker in motion."
He concluded the writing by saying: "If you're chasing realistic rotary speaker tones in a stompbox, the Pulse will likely pay back the extra money you'll spend. The sense of real mechanical motion and dimensionality is perceptibly stronger than a lot of digital rotary simulations I've played. And while the Doppola/Rover-based tone emphasis does give the Pulse a unique voice, it rivals the best high-end Leslie emulators I've encountered in terms of realism and atmosphere."
We are extremely honored and very grateful to receive this prestigious award and words of praise from one of the most renowned magazines and respected musicians.
Thank you, Premier Guitar!
For the full review, click HERE!